Yesterday and today I have been unpacking my craft room. I have an idea of what I want it to look like but, I am not sure if it will work or not.
In the meantime….I just unpacked boxes and shoved them onto shelving units to clear the floor up. I need to put my Best Craft Organizer together (I bought the triple unit) before I can start to really put things away. You wanted to see pictures so….here they are:
Next wall with the window: My filing cabinet is holding projects ideas, card ideas, tutorials etc. I always print them off and down the road I am going to sort them into binders. I have part of my wire rack sitting there holding my 12x12 pads of paper temporarily, my scanner with my Gazelle sitting on top (for enquiring minds….my cat loves to visit me and sit on my scanner so my hubby made a wooden cover covered in carpet so he will not hurt it). Under the window is my craft desk (not a keeper…new one coming). The rolling cart under the desk holds 12x12 paper and 8.5x11 paper until the new storage system is built.
Next to the desk is my printer stand. On the next wall is my computer desk (also not a keeper). The shelves hold most of my seasonal stamps and punches, spare ribbon rolls, more punches and stamps. Behind the two wooden cassette racks that hold my ink pads is my Copic air gun, box with all my hand made paper and rolls of background paper, all my glitter and my dremel tool set.
This is it….I can’t believe I have so much stuff. Don’t ask me to make anything as I really have no idea where to find anything! Hubby is vacuuming the carpet and we are going to try to put the Best Craft Storage unit together. Should be interesting….actually, through the whole move and unpacking and organizing we only had one fight. For anyone who knows us….that in itself is a miracle!!!