Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Now what?

Still going for blood work every two kidney levels are still up and down.  All treatments have been cancelled and my oncologist says I may lose out on the program but, there are other options.

I am scheduled for a kidney biopsy on the 15th and I am being weaned off of Prednisone and down from 100mg per day to 50mg and now I am on 25mg per day.  Restless legs were driving me crazy and my family doctor put me on Gabapentin....not working so, she doubled the dose and that seems to help a lot.  I keep teasing that I am falling apart!

All tests and lab work should be in by the end of the month and I do my follow-ups with the Nephrologyst and my oncologist on the 31st.

Forgot to take my pills at 9:00 and I am wide awake and doing paperwork.  Got everything done and I am hoping in another hour the pills kick in and I can go to bed. 

Off to read my Kobo for awhile....swimming in the dark!!!

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